Δευτέρα 4 Απριλίου 2011


first of all greetings to you all and thanks for your time to read this

i always wanted to write my thoughts as a journal or something but due to my carefreeness i must admit
i always postponed it up until now .

so to begin  i will start to summarize what i will try to write here whenever i will write here

i strongly belive that food is  art and  philosophy at the same time and while i think or study about food sometimes i start to dream, have deeper thoughts, or thinking about the past and as a outcome i make points that usualy only i can understand so i will write that down in order to remember or disscuss it with others.
Taking notice my bio as a cook and beliving that i have some skills throught out my experiance and studies
i plan to use this blog  to advance theese skills but also to widen my way of thinking and such .
what you need to know about me is that i always try to see the fun side o life and every thing around me i try to make it into pleasure or else i drop it .

SO coming into my first post i really needed to say my feeling after my participation in greece's master chef show and my recor there.
i belive that my mistake was that i took it to seriously and i couldn't enjoy it to the maximum, plus my short fused character stoud in way of reaching to a higher ranking or something. But its ok,  i had made peace with my self a long time ago and i was prepared for something like this to happen. Basicly the whole show whent really good judging by the greek traditions in reality/tallent shows to project the rivalry and the fights between the participants . In other words it had nothing to do with theese events and it was stayed focused to the cooking and the experiance we harvest throught out the game.

reaching to the first point of my post is  WHY I CRIED OVER MY DEFEAT AND DEPARTURE FROM THE GAME . fist it happend sooner that i expected but its ok ,the opponent that i lost Antonis was and is a realy good cook so i am kind of glad that i didn't lost to someone worse that me, but thinking about it at the top 20, who whoundn't be a good cook . My mistake was that i didn't put my whole heart and soul into the "DUEL" as i always use to see theese events , with the outcome of not cooking well the meat and got disqualified.And that was the reason i cried .Since i was a little i got into martial arts(shotokan karate-do to be precise) i learn to be competive but with a sence of honor and fair play, dont't be fooled by my extravagant apearance i have an "oldshcool" way of thinking, something like a code of conduct, or a bushido. Every defeat of mine becomes an obbesion to the point of insanity, really after my defeat i was making the same dish for 4 days straight untill reaching perfection . But as an honorable person i didn't blame others but only my self ,accepted defeat and bowed in regret infront of the judges/teachers, becauce in my mind i felt like i was disapointing them .

But the real thing i want to share with you is what i missed from this experiance in the show. There are a lot of things after all the projection of someone's persona through television, is something nice, make you feel acceptance from the crowds and opens a lot of doors of oportunities.(thats a greek expression i know).Anyway i am not very fond of that but i can't deny that i liked it .But there are 2 ocasional events that i miss the most , one is the invention test trial and the crazy discussions i had with Giannis Bourodimos (http://bourodimos.blogspot.com/) an other participant from there. For those who don't know the invention test was a solo competition wich we had a special ingridient and up to 10 other ingridients to create in 45 minutes one original and new recipe. Through that time i could feel my mind that was working so fast and hard that i sometimes i mesmerized by it. something like a feeling of burning inside me and steam came through my skin and flesh . A body and spirit experiance which i am addicted for a long time (put the karate here to blame). This feeling is such intoxicating that every day that passes  for me i am thriving to feel once more so when i cook something i try to put my self under these circumstances again and again and again , i even play the dialoges with the judges (especialy with chef Giannis Loukakos http://www.psomialati.gr/el/ wich was my favoured one).

But the absence of a jugde or a fellow cook in theese times is noticable so i will try sometimes to post my inventions , ideas and experiments in my personal kitchen for further discution,notes, corections or ideas of yours for every-ones advancement and our beloved gastronomy's well being.

So until my next post i bid you farewell  :)

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